Thunder & Lightning

How would you like 16 chances to win a total of $8,000?
You can with this year's Thunder & Lightning Raffle!
Monthly drawings are back! There will be two $500 drawings each month from October 2024 to May 2025. Each ticket drawn will be returned to the hopper to be eligible for subsequent drawings. Drawings will be held on the second Monday of each month. In total, you have 16 chances to win up to $8,000 total! Tickets are $50 each.
The deadline to get your tickets is Thursday, October 10, 2024.
Be a part of our annual tradition and help support a Benedictine education. Each ticket purchased helps us on our mission to instill the values of scholarship, service, hospitality, and stewardship in our students. Each ticket makes a difference for the students, faculty, and staff at Villa.
ONLINE: Click on the blue “Purchase Raffle Tickets” button below. It will take you to our Thunder & Lightning Raffle page. Click on the blue "Purchase Raffle Tickets" in the upper right hand corner of the page. Indicate the quantity you wish to purchase; additional donations can be made below this section as well. Once completed, click on the “Next” button in the left-hand corner. You will then provide your cardholder information. Please make sure all fields with an asterisk are completed. Click on the Electronic Signature box and complete the “I’m not a robot” section. Then hit submit for processing and you are all done! We will process your donation, enter you into the raffle, and mail your ticket stubs to you.
MAIL OR DROP OFF: Click on the blue "Printable Order Form" button below. Complete a printed form and either drop it off at school or mail it to: Villa Madonna Academy, Attn: Jeff McNeil, 2500 Amsterdam Road, Villa Hills, KY, 41017. If paying by check, please make payable to Villa Madonna Academy and include it with your order form. After processing your donation, we will enter you into the raffle and mail you your ticket stubs.
QUESTIONS: Contact Jeff McNeil at (859) 331-6333 ext. 133
2024-2025 Winners
Jane McGraw
Charlene Doll
Stacey Coupe
Kit Beedle
Erin Foster
Mary Ann Krumpelman
Erin Foster
Sandy Grieme
Sheila Kelly
St. Walburg Monastery
Drawing on 3/10/25
Drawing on 4/14/25
Drawing on 5/12/25